
Swami Vivekanand Subharti University Meerut BTech Admission 2013

Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut

Subharti Institute of Technology and Engineering
Subhartipuram, NH-58, Delhi-Haridwar Bypass Road, Meerut-250005, Tel 0121-3001058
Fax 0121-2439067, E-mail, Website

Admission Notice-2013

B.Tech, Joint SVSU-IBM B.Tech Programme Admission-2013

Chhatrapati Shahuji Subharti Institute of Technology and Engineering, a constituent college of Swami Vivekanand Subharti University invites application for admission to B.Tech, Joint SVSU-IBM B.Tech programme
B.Tech: Mechanical Engineering. Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering
Joint SVSU-IBM B-Tech: Cloud Computing and Virtualization, Business Analytics and Optimazation, Telecom Informatics, Mainframe Technology

Eligibility Criteria

Nationality: The applicant for admission should be a Resident/Non Resident Indian National
Qualifying Examination: Candidates appearing for the SVSUEE-2013 should have either completed or shall be appearing in 2013, in any one of the following qualifying examinations
The final examination of the 10+2 system of higher secondary examination conducted by the State Board, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE, New Delhi), the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination (ISCE, New Delhi)
Intermediate or two year Pre-University examination conducted by a recognized board/university
High School Certificate Examination of the Cambridge University or International Baccalaureate Diploma of the International Baccalaureate Office, Geneva
General Certificate Education (GCE) examination (London/Cambridge/Sri Lanka) at the Advanced (A) Level
Candidates who have studied in regular, full time and formal education are alone eligible to apply
Candidates appearing for the SVSUEE-2013 should have secured an aggregate of 60% in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/ Biology in the qualifying examination (+2/intermediate)
The average marks obtained in the subjects Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or Biology (PCM/PCB) in +2 (or its equivalent) put together should be 50% for the candidates belonging to SC/ST category; candidates hailing from Jammu and Kashmir and the North Eastern states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura
Candidates who have attempted Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in the SVSUEE are eligible for all the B.Tech degree programmes
Candidates who have attempted Physics, Chemistry and Biology in the SVSUEE are eligible only for B.Tech Bioinformatics, Bio-Medical Engineering and Biotechnology programmes
Age Limit: Candidates whose date of birth falls on or after 01st July, 1991 are eligible to apply for SVSUEE-2013
The date of birth as recorded in the High School/SSC/10th certificate/birth proof certificate will be considered authentic
SVSUEE-2013: SVSU entrance examination will be held from 20th April, 2013
The duration of the entrance examination will be 2 hours
Please refer slot booking for further details in from March, 2013 onwards
Question paper, all questions will be of objective type
Part-I Physics, Part-II Chemistry, Part-III Mathematics or Biology
Each part has 40 questions and each question carries one mark
Each question is followed by 4 alternative answers
The candidate will have to choose the correct answer and click the same
No negative marks for wrong answers
The question paper will be only in English
Application Form: Please send/submit the duly filled application form complete in all respect along with a demand draft of Rs 100/- drawn in favour of Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, payable at Meerut to the office of the Registrar, SVSU by 15th May, 2013

Important Dates

Last date for form submission: 15th May, 2013
Date of examination: 09th June, 2013


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