
Orissa University of Agriculture BSc Admission 2013

Admission Notice-2013

State of Odisha/NRI Admissions-2013

Applications in prescribed form are invited from the eligible candidates of the State of Odisha/NRI for admission to B.Sc (Ag)/B.Sc (Hort)/ B.V.Sc & A.H./B.Tech (Agril Engg)/ B.F.Sc/B.Sc (Forestry) and B.Sc (Home Science), for both boys and girls, for the academic session 2013-2014 through a common undergraduate entrance examination to be held on 26th May, 2013, Sunday from 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. throughout the state

Eligibility Criteria: Passed or appearing +2 Science/equivalent examination with minimum 50% marks for general and 40% marks in aggregate (excluding 4th optional) for SC/ST category

Age: Must be 17 (seventeen) years of age as on 31st December, 2013

Application Form: Availability of prospectus-cum-application form on website from11th March, 2013 to 30th April, 2013

A candidate is required to submit only one application form (‘A’ & ‘B’) irrespective of number of undergraduate courses for which he/she wishes to be considered for admission

The candidate should access OUAT website to download the prospectus and/or application forms ‘A’ and ‘B’ and medical fitness certificate

He should submit the application form ‘A’ to the Assistant Registrar (Acd), OUAT, Bhubaneswar-751003 through registered post/speed post/courier service in due date and time by enclosing the proof of payment of the application fee of Rs 700/- (Rs seven hundred) only

Payment should be made in SBI website through State Bank CollectionApplication fee can be deposited using any one of the following options; SBI Internet Banking; SBI ATM-cum-Debit card; cash/transfer

However, payment of fees through State Bank Collect using SBI internet banking option will be available from 11th March, 2013

The payment option using SBI ATM-cum-debit card or cash/transfer option will be available from 18th March, 2013

The deposit of application fee using the challan generated through cash/transfer option can be made in any SBI branch next day onwards of generation of challan

Alternatively payment may be made through bank draft/bankers cheque drawn in favour of the Comptroller, OUAT, Bhubaneswar payable at Bhubaneswar

The application form ‘A’ received without application fee or after due date will be summarily rejected and the candidates will be debarred from appearing the entrance examination

The university will not be liable for refund of application fees received after the last date of receipt of application form

The last date of receipt of filled in application form ‘A’ is 30th April, 2013, 05.00 p.m. and the last date of receipt of filled in application form ‘B’ is 12th June, 2013, 05.00 p.m.

Date of entrance exam26th May, 2013, SundayUndergraduate Programme Admission-2013

Important Dates:
The last date of receipt of filled in application form ‘A’ is 30th April, 2013, 05.00 p.m. and the last date of receipt of filled in application form ‘B’ is 12th June, 2013, 05.00 p.m.
Date of entrance exam26th May, 2013, Sunday


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