AICTE CMAT Additional Test Admit Card 2013-2014 Download in www.aicte-gpat.in...
AICTE CMAT 2013-14 Online Test Admit Cards are download on official websitewww.aicte-cmat.in. CMAT 2013-14 hall tickets download from 03-05-2013 onwords. CMAT 2013-14 Online Test will be conuct by AICTEU in 4 days. CMAT 2013-2014 Tets should be held on 19-05-2013, 20-05-2013, 21-05-2013 and 22-05-2013 at Morning 9:30AM to 12:30PM and Aftre Noon 2:30PM to 5:30PM. AICTE CMAT 2013-2014 results will be Release on 01-06-2013.
AICTE CMAT 2013-2014 Test Centers List:
- Ahmadabad.
- Alahabad.
- Amaravathi.
- Amruthsar.
- Aurangabad.
- Bangalore.
- Bareli.
- Bav Nagar.
- Bopal.
- Bhuvaneswar.
- Chandigagh.
- Chennai.
- Dehradun.
- Delhi.
- Gulbarga.
- Gurgon.
- Guhavati.
- Gualiar.
- Hyderabad.
- Indore.
- Jabal Pure.
- Jaipure.
- Jammu.
- Kanpore.
- Kochi.
- Kolhapur.
- Kolkata.
- Kojikode.
- Karnool.
- Lacknow.
- Madurai.
- Mangalore.
- Meerat.
- Mumbai.
- Mysore.
- Nagpure.
- Nanded.
- Nasik.
- Nellore.
- Noida.
- Panaji.
- Patna.
- Pune.
- Raypur.
- Rajamandri.
- Rajkot.
- Ranchi.
- Simla.
- Surath.
- Thiruvanathapuram.
- Thirupathi.
- Udhaypur.
- Vadodara.
- Varanasi.
- Vijayawada.
- Visakapatnam.
- Varangal.
AICTE CMAT 2013-14 Help Line:
For any queries call 022-40679404, Fax 022-25814283 and email customercare@aicte-cmat.in.
For any queries call 022-40679404, Fax 022-25814283 and email customercare@aicte-cmat.in.
Download CMAT 2013-2014 Admit Card

Thanks for sharing cmat 2013 exam helpline number and admit card details. Please share cmat online study details which will help in future.
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